SPECIAL - 2 Articles | Doc Love - Dating Advice For Men

Dating Women Advice: Two Article SPECIAL – Two Bad Choices AND Dating At Work

This week you get 2 articles as we will have no show or articles on 11/16.  We will be back to normal on 11/23.

Doc Love


Article 1 deals with his 2 choices in women.  Good problem to have, right?  WRONG.  Both are bad choices (find out why below).

Article 2 deals with his love life at work.  He is interested in a woman 20 years younger than him AND his co-workers know he's interested.  Not good.

Read on and don't forget to listen to my Dating Women Radio Show EVERY WEDNESDAY at 5:00 p.m. PT / 8:00 p.m. ET (2 hour special on 11/9/16, no show on 11/16/16, back to normal on 11/23/16)


Hey Doc,

I live in India and am a worshiper of “THE SYSTEM,” which I’ve been reading for a month now. My life got much simpler after I got to know your work, and since then there is no other relationship coach that I follow. But misuse of knowledge has gotten me into a little trouble.

My problem is that I have two girlfriends. I met Indira, 20, nine months ago in a computer class and since then we’ve been on three dates. She’s the most giving girl I could have ever found on this planet.

Even though she lives 500 miles away when she’s not at college, she will call me every single day. She helped me with all my assignments and projects at school. She was always caring, and whenever I felt weak she was the girl who gave me courage and made me strong. If I told her that she was fat, she would drop everything, start working out and get in shape for me. She’s that kind of girl.

Then I found Melissa at the restaurant where I would work. She’s Beautiful and 22. I went directly at her, told her she was Beautiful and got her number. After a week of waiting I called and asked her for a date. She lives 100 miles away but comes to visit me every weekend. She’s never cancelled even one date with me. She is mature and Giving but also a feminist, which scares me. Where I could tell Indira to get in shape and she would do it happily, Melissa would say that it’s not right to tell someone to shape up. If I asked Melissa to help me with a project, she would check her priorities first, while Indira would put my priorities before hers.

Recently I told both girls about each other and that I was involved with the other. I am actually the first boyfriend to both of them. Indira was okay with the situation and told me that it’s not my fault.

Amazingly, Melissa said the same thing.

Both girls are Loyal and have never cheated. Please tell me which one to choose for the future. I am totally confused right now and will follow your decision. Please coach me, Doc, because I need help.

Bus - who can’t choose between the two

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Hi Bus,

Thanks very much for the compliment. But remember, you have to keep reading my book until it’s memorized and SECOND NATURE.

Now let’s move on to your so-called problem, which is that you have two girlfriends. Dude, do you realize how many guys would love to have your problem? Every guy would love to have your problem! So you really don’t have a problem at all, my friend. And let me remind you that reading “The System” is what’s responsible for turning you into a success with the girls!

But what you have to think about in the first place with Indira is that she’s only 20 years old. This is a real issue. In the second place, she lives 500 miles away. What you should know by now is that there’s a chapter in “The System” on long distance relationships – they are a NO-NO because they never work. Finally, you NEVER, EVER tell a girl that she’s fat! Instead, every time you go on a date with a girl who is overweight, you should ride a bicycle or jog or something else physical or athletic, and when you go out to eat with her, go to a place that serves nothing but salads. So remember, as I stress on my radio show, there should NEVER be any negatives or put-downs on a date.

Then there’s Melissa, who’s 22. This is another problem, pal. What do I say...

The rest of this answer is only available to Doc Love Club Members...and when you join here's the direct link to the article or you can get a FREE SAMPLE HERE:


You get so much more by joining - not only do you get the rest of the article above but also our special ADVANCED SYSTEM CLASS and this week it's a double shot of articles - get both when you click above. 
 Also we give you over an hour of audio including our archived Dating Women Radio Show from that week.

Other benefits to members include:

*2 articles per week (there are hundreds on the Club and growing weekly)
*EXCLUSIVE audio including archives of the Dating Women Radio Show that go back to 2011 - hundreds of hours of audio and growing weekly!
*Specials just for members only!

Join The Doc Love Club TODAY!


Hey Doc,

I just got your book and find it very helpful. I wasn’t aware that Challenge was as important as it is.

I’m infatuated with Gretchen, who works in my office. She’s 29 and I’m 49. I tried flirting with her to gauge her interest in me. I’m not good at judging Interest Level, so I couldn’t tell what hers was. I found out by talking to other people that she was seeing some guy who sits about 15 feet away from me at the office. I didn’t want to interfere in their relationship so I backed off completely. I ignored Gretchen, and when she realized this it seemed to bother her. She would make sure she passed me in the hall, but neither of us would speak, so we just smiled at each other.

Soon afterwards the guy she was seeing broke it off with her and she would go to the bathroom and cry (this happened for a couple of days). About a week later he took her back. I don’t know for sure how involved they are now and I picked up some office conversation that she broke a date with him. I think that she thinks I am seeing someone. I’ve not shown ANY interest in her at all since I backed off. I don’t talk to her, I don’t call her, and I don’t e-mail or text her either. And I don’t show any reaction to her conversations with her friends around the office.

I am not going to pursue Gretchen because I know it’s the wrong thing to do. Doc, is she playing mind games with me? I am having a tough time getting over my infatuation, so should I wait to see if things don’t work out with the current guy, and then hope she turns her attention to me? Is she playing the other guy for a chump? I get the impression that if she were to say “Jump,” the guy would say “How high?” Since she sits so close to me, I have to see her every day.

Louie - whose Interest Level in this girl is way too high

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Hi Louie,

First of all, let me point out to you that one of the biggest complaints women have about men is that they RUSH and CHARGE into rejection and they’re much too pushy in the early stages of dating. What CHALLENGE teaches you to do is put it into reverse and GO IN SLOWLY. When she notices that you’re taking your time -- as opposed to all the other guys who are rushing in -- this piques her interest. Ninety percent of the men out there don’t realize this.

Okay, so Gretchen is 29 and you’re 49. This is another problem, my friend. She’s looking to date guys between 29 and 36. You’re 20 years older than she is. This can work, but it will be difficult because of the age difference.

Since you have my book, you will be able to gauge a woman’s Interest Level – as soon as you memorize it. But why did you change your behavior with Gretchen? If you used to smile and be friendly with her and now you’ve done a one-eighty, you’re going to come off as a weirdo, man. So you should still be friendly with Gretchen. You’re not asking her out. You’re not begging for her phone number. You’re not telling her she’s Beautiful. You’re her co-worker, dude. You should be...

The rest of this answer is only available to Doc Love Club Members...and when you join here's the direct link to the article or you can get a FREE SAMPLE HERE:


You get so much more by joining - not only do you get the rest of the article above but also our special ADVANCED SYSTEM CLASS and this week it's a double shot of articles - get both when you click above. 
 Also we give you over an hour of audio including our archived Dating Women Radio Show from that week.

Other benefits to members include:

*2 articles per week (there are hundreds on the Club and growing weekly)
*EXCLUSIVE audio including archives of the Dating Women Radio Show that go back to 2011 - hundreds of hours of audio and growing weekly!
*Specials just for members only!

Join The Doc Love Club TODAY!


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