July, 2017 | Doc Love - Dating Advice For Men - Part 3

Monthly Archives: July 2017

Dating Women Advice: Would Hugh Jackman Dump His Wife Of 21 Years For Another Woman?


He actually thinks he can dump HIS girlfriend for ANOTHER MAN'S girlfriend.  My man is CLUELESS...  Check out the article below and...

...don't forget to listen to my Dating Women Radio Show EVERY WEDNESDAY at 5:00 p.m. PT / 8:00 p.m. ET

Dating Women Podcast #77 & 78

Your article is right below this but first on this week's podcasts we give you:

*77:  Did his INSENSITIVITY to a death in her family drive her away?

*78:  Remember when dating women you get ONE CHANCE to set things up right



The Doc Love Club has my most advanced thinking on dating and relationships - hundreds of hours of audio; hundreds of articles - and you can get a sample below - you don't even have to put in your credit card or email address.


Hey Doc,

I’ve been reading your columns for years and most importantly I’ve read “The System” and I can vouch 100% that the principles you teach work every time.

I used to be just a player. But I finally found a Flexible Giver with the help of your book, have been with her for six years, but now an itch has kicked in. I realized she isn’t the one for me, we have different life goals and I learned that she doesn’t learn from her mistakes. Another girl has quite suddenly snuck onto my radar. Cat is currently with her boyfriend of five years. She confessed to my girlfriend that her boyfriend has cheated on her and she is no longer interested in him. All of us spend our weekends together on group dates to the beach or hiking.

Recently Cat has been way more friendly to me than usual. She has been extra touchy-feely. Two weeks ago we were playing footsies underneath the table while we all played poker, which caught me by surprise. That has caused me to think about her more. My instinct is to stay away because she is currently unavailable. But I will end my current relationship not for her, but more to make myself available to others since I’m no longer in love.

What I want to know is whether I should meet with Cat and ask her about the night we played footsies. I’m aware that false hope could be brewing, but she always laughs at my corny jokes, blushes when I’m around and wears revealing dresses and makes sure to show off her goods to me.

I haven’t had time alone with Cat to ask her if she’s interested in me or if she’s just flirting. Should I state my intentions to her? I would take things slow with her to make sure there was enough time for her to be over her ex. Then again, it’s a big “if” that she’ll actually break up with him.

Philip - who wants to do it right

First Dates can be nerve-wracking but I teach you how to do them right!  That's day 4 of my FREE 7-day dating course so go get it RIGHT NOW

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Hi Philip,

Now let me get this straight. You’ve been with your girlfriend for six years and you still haven’t married her?

In “The System” I teach that you go with a girl for two years, then you marry her. It sounds to me like you were never really into your girlfriend. Were you with her just because she liked you? You say that she has different goals and doesn’t learn from her mistakes, but I think you’re just looking for a reason to rationalize your low Interest Level in her.

Now think about this: you’ve wasted six years of your life. If you really went by “The System,” you would have dropped this girl after three or four months, not six years. Are you insecure, Philip? Are you afraid to ...

The rest of this answer is only available to Doc Love Club Members...and when you join here's the direct link to the article or you can get a FREE SAMPLE HERE:


You get so much more by joining - not only do you get the rest of the article above but also why IT IS SO IMPORTANT  that in dating your mind is focused on WANT and NOT NEED. 
 Also we give you over an hour of audio including our archived Dating Women Radio Show from that week.

Other benefits to members include:

*2 articles per week (there are hundreds on the Club and growing weekly)
*EXCLUSIVE audio including archives of the Dating Women Radio Show that go back to 2011 - hundreds of hours of audio and growing weekly!
*Specials just for members only!

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The Doc Love Club has my most advanced thinking on dating and relationships - hundreds of hours of audio; hundreds of articles - and you can get a sample below - you don't even have to put in your credit card or email address.


Don't be shy - LET'S TALK BELOW!


Doc Love

Dating Vacation Danger + She Says She Is Too Busy?

Doc Love         Doc Love        
Dating Vacation Danger + She Says She Is Too Busy?           Dating Vacation Danger + She Says She Is Too Busy?          
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