Rub Her Face In It??? | Doc Love - Dating Advice For Men

Dating Women Advice: Does Brad Want Revenge On Angelina?


He actually thinks she is going to care that he's a huge success after she dumped him.  She wont!  Check out the article below and...

...don't forget to listen to my Dating Women Radio Show EVERY WEDNESDAY at 5:00 p.m. PT / 8:00 p.m. ET

Dating Women Podcast #79 & 80

Your article is right below this but first on this week's podcasts we give you:

*79:  You cannot go back no matter what!

*80:  Loyalty is #1 when dating women and she has NONE.



The Doc Love Club has my most advanced thinking on dating and relationships - hundreds of hours of audio; hundreds of articles - and you can get a sample below - you don't even have to put in your credit card or email address.


Hey Doc,

I have a question that no one’s been able to answer, so that’s why I’m coming to you. I was a 27-year-young guy from California who used to work at Disneyland part-time when I got out of the U.S. Navy.

I was broke but happy. Anyway, I met Callie, who I thought was the love of my life, when we worked there together. I was extremely attracted to her physically from the very first minute I set eyes on her.

We began to date. After I got to know her a little I found out that she was bisexual and had some mental issues, but nothing serious. Anyway, I spent a good deal of money on her, even though I didn’t have all that much, and helped her get a job in another industry. I thought I was very good to her.

Then something happened. Out of nowhere, Callie accused me of faking my military career and she dumped me for her female friend. I got really depressed. I quit my job, sold most of my stuff, packed what was left and moved to North Carolina.

Flash forward a year. I went from making 18k a year to 500k a year at the young age of 28. Even though I’m successful financially, I am still mentally hurt by Callie’s rejection of me. I just can’t seem to get over her. Doc, how do I go back to California and make Callie hate the day she dumped me? How can I make her jealous of my success? I want to make her crawl back on hands and knees to beg me to take her back, and only then will I look her in the eyes and say no. Then I’ll walk away.

Please don’t say be a bigger man. I can’t do it. This is the single emotional scar that I can’t seem to get over and I need closure. I just want it to be done in the best way possible. Coach me, please. No one else has been able to.

Thank you for your time.

Donnie - who is stuck in a mental rut

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Hi Donnie,

When you say that Callie had mental issues, what you’re really saying is that there were huge RED FLAGS here. When you have “The System” and follow its principles, you know enough to stay away from that person. And here’s something else that’s even more serious. You don’t talk at all about Callie’s Interest Level in you. It’s her Interest Level that counts, not yours. With you it was love at first sight, but that has nothing whatsoever to do with HER interest in you.

Now let me get this straight – you’re broke, and you’re spending whatever money you have on Callie. Why? What sense does that make? Dude, you only give money to your wife. You don’t give money to a girl you’re just dating. And this is a girl with mental issues, and your Interest Level is 100%. Like my cousin General Love says, “That’s a lethal combination.” Donnie, your interest should only be 80% to 89%. It’s obvious that you don’t have “The System,” otherwise you wouldn’t have committed such blunders.

This indicates that you’re...

The rest of this answer is only available to Doc Love Club Members...and when you join here's the direct link to the article or you can get a FREE SAMPLE HERE:

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Dating Women Podcast

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