I think playing the lottery will give you a better chance than this guy has with his relationship
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Dating Women Podcast #112
112: Cheating on her is his way to solve his marital problems? He thinks this is a good idea?
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Hey Doc,
I am 34 and have been a “nice guy” all my life. Since childhood, right through adolescence, high school and in college, I’ve always yearned for the right girl, someone simple, charming and totally in awe of me. I am very shy and not good at communication, especially when it comes to humor/wit/sarcasm, etc. The sad part is that I have always known my weaknesses but have never been able to overcome them.
I’ve been married seven years, and have a five-year-old kid. But my relationship with my wife is not fantastic. She has not instilled any spark into my life romantically or sexually. With each passing day we are growing further away from one another. She knows this and tracks my social media and phone activities to find evidence of an extramarital affair. I wish I could have an affair with another woman, but I am too asocial of a person.
I have one hope, however. I’ve become good friends with Eva at work. She seeks help from me for every little thing and loves to talk to me. We go for coffee together once a week to chat about our personal lives as well. She is a mother and has been married for seven years. She is my type, in the sense that she is not very loud and socially active (though she has lots of male friends). And she is quite hot and charming.
The problem is that the more I help her the more she thinks I am acting brotherly. She has even said a few times that I’m like her sister, to which I have raised objections.
Doc, I am fantasizing about winning Eva’s heart. I don’t have any clue how to do this, given the fact that once she gets home she has a kid and husband to look after, and it’s the same with me. But even after work hours she texts me, suggesting that she thinks of me outside of work. So it’s a very tricky situation because first, it’s a workplace relationship where liberties can’t be taken, and second I doubt Eva’s intentions. I don’t know if she’s looking for just fun or a serious relationship outside of marriage.
Can you coach me how to overcome my doubts and turn this situation into a winning one for myself and fill Eva’s life with love? Also, I would appreciate if you could change me into a winner from the dumb, frustrated personality I am!
Otis - who can’t seem to figure it out

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Hi Otis,
When you join the DOC LOVE CLUB, over 100 one-hour radio shows immediately become available to you. In my shows you are taught how to be humorous, witty, and sarcastic. So join the club, and I will remedy your situation, my friend. I will show you how to make your personality grow and make you more outgoing. You will become a winner not only with women, but a winner in life.
What is happening with your wife, Otis, is that her Interest Level is going steadily south: from 65%, etc. It’s dropping slowly, but make no mistake, it’s dropping. In other words, you’re in real trouble. When it hits 49%, there won’t be anything left to salvage. But you don’t know that because you don’t have “The System.”
Why is your wife tracking your movements to find evidence of an extramarital affair? She’s a little nuts, Otis. You don’t even have the personality to get another woman and apparently she thinks you have girlfriends! What’s going on with her?
Why didn't you sign up for my free 7-day dating course yet? Did you not understand the word FREE?
Nevertheless, you want a girlfriend in addition to your wife. What are you going to do with this girlfriend? Like my cousin Fast Eddie Love from East L.A. says, “You don’t even know what to do with your wife!” So how can you expect to handle a new woman when you can’t handle the one you’ve got?
Now you’re infatuated with Eva. And you’re blabbing about your personal life to her. Otis, you shouldn’t be talking about...
The rest of this answer is only available to Doc Love Club Members...and when you join here's the direct link to the article or you can get a FREE SAMPLE HERE:
You get so much more by joining - not only do you get the rest of the article above but also why IT IS SO IMPORTANT that you do not linger after you get her number. What do I mean by that? Find out by joining. Also we give you over an hour of audio including our archived Dating Women Radio Show from that week.
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Hi Doc, I have a question related to THE SYSTEM. I want to understand THE SYSTEM in 100% but right now I have doubts in some case. Could you explain why phrase “One way or another, the woman always leaves first” is true? In different part of book I can read for example about 66%/24%/10% rule of ending marriages , where as you know the 10% is ascribed to the men who finally realize that they choose the wrong woman. I see contradiction right there. I would be really appreciated for getting the explanation from you.
As I say in the front of my book ( that what you’re about to read is a sarcastic look at the mating dance in America so there is a lot of humor and tongue-in-cheek wording in the book. As I’m sure you know it’s a lot of FUN to read (or listen to) the book and it’s not boring. So, don’t read through it and try to pick apart each statistic because you’re missing the spirit of what I’m coaching you to do by trying to adhere to the letter of the law – make sense?
The point I try to illustrate throughout the book is that most of the time the male can get the woman to fall in love but he can’t keep her in love – so since many guys fall into that “most of the time” category I’m coaching them to stop what they’re doing and try things a different way – the way I’ve found that works by interviewing THOUSANDS of women asking them why they choose to stay with one man versus another.
So, don’t read (or listen) to this book like it’s a college text preparing you for a board exam – it’s a light and humorous look at dating and relationships that happens to be based in truth. If you absorb what I’m telling you and really follow the principles you’ll find that women will never look at you the same again. What they’ll react to is the fact that you’re a guy that keeps it light and funny with no heavy subjects and putdowns. What they’ll be into is the fact that you’re a CHALLENGE and a MYSTERY. They’ll love trying to “figure you out” and wonder why you’re so different from the other guys they got rid of. In a relationship they will appreciate that you’re about respect, affection and romance for the entire time and that you don’t turn into a couch potato 4 years into the marriage.
Bottom line? Don’t get too caught up in reading (or listening to it) in a way where you’re trying to follow a set of rules and memorize every little detail – you have to make this stuff a part of your life and allow it to change you into a GENTLEMAN so you just do this stuff naturally.
I’m here for you if you want to talk more via weekly or private coaching at
Thanks for writing