Get Her Back? Forget It! | Doc Love - Dating Advice For Men

Dating Women Advice: Get An Ex Girlfriend Back? 3 Reasons It’s a BAD Idea



All over the internet – all day long – I keep seeing all these products that show you a multitude of ways to get an ex girlfriend back and I’m here to tell you that you’re wasting your money and time.

If you’re ready to move past the false hope and stop living in a time that’s never coming back then read on.

If you want to ensure you get half the relationship you deserve with the old girl versus the great relationship you could get with a new lady in your life then stop reading.

Your choice.


There Was A Reason You Broke Up

Person A loves person B and vice versa – they always have a great time together and people comment all the time as to how in love they are.

Then why did person A just flush person B down the tubes?

It can’t happen if what I said in the first sentence was true – if two people are in love and having a great time then one can’t blow off the other (unless one of them has something really wrong in their thought processes).

In the game of love there is but one parachute on the plane – and in a crash one is going to survive and one is going down. It’s the one that loses their feelings first and gets out that floats to the earth ready to get on another flight (probably even have their ticket already) while the other experiences the emotional equivalent of careening into the mountain.

People don’t just simultaneously lose their feelings for each other – usually one person’s interest is dipping down until it’s time to move on – and in the relationship education course I teach called THE SYSTEM, 90% of the time it’s a guy that got her to fall in love but couldn’t keep her in love.

Point is – someone is really hurting because they got blindsided while the other has enough reasons in their head to be the one that wanted out and their emotion is one of relief to be gone.

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How Are You Going To Find Someone New?

She’s out and around – dating Tom, laughing with Dick and having fun with Harry – and you’re in front of the computer with your friend Jack Daniels thinking that your life is over . Do I paint a pretty accurate picture?

If your mind is bent on getting her back then all you’re doing is living in the past and trying to get to a time that will never be again.

In my course the female INTEREST LEVEL is most important – think of it as a degree of love – in the 90’s she’s madly in love and you can do no wrong in her eyes – when it gets to 49 or lower then she’s got a date with Harry and you’re waking up with a splitting hangover thanks to your buddy Jack.

You think if she was once in love then you can get her there again – and you’d be wrong. She might forgive and forget all the mistakes that caused her to leave on an intellectual level but her INTEREST LEVEL will never rise above 49 again – she cannot at a base emotional level ever feel the way she felt again – it’s just not possible!


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“But But But I Know Of Couples That Got Back Together”

Yes, yes, yes – there are PLENTY of examples of this happening – I can wander around for the next month interviewing couples and I bet I can find plenty of examples that go something like this for our hero and heroine Tom and Caprice.

*Tom and Caprice are in love.

*Caprice slowly falls out of love until one night she blindsides Tom with the “I need my space”/”We might need to take a break”/”I don’t feel the same about you anymore”/”You’ll always be special to me”/”etc.” speech.

*Lots of tears are involved.

*Surprisingly Tom’s friends say they spotted Caprice two days later with another man! Shocking!

*Tom spends the next months pathetically leaving messages and staying in touch so she knows he’s available – after all she’s his one true love, right? Love conquers all! (ugh).

*Caprice surprisingly doesn’t care because she’s got HIGH INTEREST LEVEL in the new guy and Tom’s messages are just irritants she has to endure.

*Caprice then gets flushed by new guy (or a series of new guys) and is feeling hurt, rejected and doesn’t like to be alone.

*She goes back to old reliable (Tom) whose been staying home just waiting for her call – he’s now allowed to come back off the bench and go into the starting lineup!

*Cue the cheesy music – let the credits roll – she came back! They will live happily ever after….except….

*Caprice still has the feelings that caused her to leave imprinted on her brain – but she’s back because she couldn’t do any better. She’ll spend the next couple decades subtly (or not so subtly) telling Tom why he doesn’t really measure up and Tom will utter the phrase “What’s the matter honey” multiple times as she stares out the window dreaming about the stud that got away.

If they leave it was because their INTEREST LEVEL plummeted – so if you can put up with half a relationship when she’s back just because you can’t be without her then prepare for a nasty ride. Personally I think it’s better to be alone than it is to be with a girl that’s half interested in you.

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Hi Garry,


As soon as you began having trouble with your wife, you didn’t have “The System” overnighted to you (or buy my immediate downloads - ELECTRONIC SYSTEM or SYSTEM AUDIO). Why not? Do you realize the terrible anguish you could have saved yourself? All that time Donatella’s interest was going from 82%, etc. And as most American men do, you noticed it finally when it hit 60% or 57% or somewhere in that area. “The System” says that this woman probably once loved you. You’ve been with her for 15 years, and she probably loved you for eight to 10 years of that time. After that, because you took her for granted, her Interest Level began to drop.


And let me explain something to you. Interest Level doesn’t drop from 100% to 49% in an hour, or overnight, even though that’s the man’s perception of what’s going on. No, like my cousin Rabbi Love says, “It takes time and negligence to erode.” That’s why if you’d have memorized my materials, when it went from 91% to 89% you would have known to start getting into my MAINTENANCE PROGRAM, which will secure the woman wanting to stay with you forever. But like most men in America, you knew how to get her, but you didn’t know how to keep her. That’s why a majority of women recently reported in a national survey that they wouldn’t marry the same guy again. But since you didn’t have my book, what’s happened to you now is predictable.


You might have thought this situation was going to improve on its own, Garry, but when Interest Level goes 60%...58%..56%...54%, it’s like an airplane going down. It won’t pull up by itself. Like my cousin General Love says, “It just crashes and burns.” And that’s what happened with your wife. You murdered her Interest Level through your deportment.


So when your relationship with Donatella took another dive, why didn’t you Google a love doctor for some advice? The question to ask was, why is this woman so turned off when for eight or 10 years she idolized me? Dude, a good salary and taking care of your family financially doesn’t equate to romance to a female.


Your wife had been showing you for a long time that you were miles apart. Did she really have to verbalize it and tell you she no longer loved you? You’ve been with her for a long time, and when she finally said it after a deterioration of five or six years, it was only then that you sat up and took notice? Are you blind? And to you Psych majors, when she tells you that she no longer loves you, you are OUT.


Now let me explain something else to you. When Interest Level consistently drops, it’s NEVER temporary. It’s only temporary until she leaves. Then it’s final,


Now you’re in a fatal depression, pal. If you’d been studying my book all along, it would have made the pain more bearable. So the first thing you have to do now is have “The System” OVERNIGHTED to you and MEMORIZE it (or get an immediate download - SYSTEM AUDIO or ELECTRONIC SYSTEM). Because when it comes to women, you are absolutely clueless, even after you’ve lived with this woman for so long. Garry, I know more about your wife than you do and I’ve never even met the woman. And that’s very sad.


Then, like my cousin Fast Eddie Love from East L.A. says, “You have to suck it up.” When Donatella calls, be polite, don’t talk about your relationship, ask her how much money she needs, send her a check and ask her if there’s anything more you can do for her. Maybe, with time, she’ll meet you for coffee, then maybe a dinner date, then maybe you’ll move into getting her back into the house. Try to talk to your kids as much as possible. You’ll have to apologize for blowing up and making a fool of yourself because when you did that, it only reinforced your wife’s low Interest Level. Because what she said to herself was that she didn’t realize that her husband was so lacking in Self-Control!


But no matter what, you still need my book. You need to find out where you went wrong with your wife. Like I said earlier, you’re clueless.


Whether or not Donatella has found someone else is beyond your control. So don’t make the problem even worse than it is. Get “The System,” study it like heck, and we’ll do our best to get her back.


Donatella didn’t throw away anything over nothing. You stopped romancing your wife and took her for granted. You never told her she was Beautiful. You didn’t treat her like a woman. If you did, she would still be all over you.


Remember, guys: to keep your wife in love with you, you have to date her.

About the Author

  • My wife and I have been together for 14 years off and on in total. We have been married for 11….I read this article and I’ve had my wife leave me 6 times now in 10 years….I always come to find out theres another guy in the picture shortly after we breakup….but the one thing i notice is that she is gone until i start to move on with another woman? Than she magically appears and is all in love again – coincidentally i also come to find out that things had gone south with whatever guy she left for…….and when she comes back its like shes madly in love with me again???? So I can say from personal experience this is all true…….a few months ago she was telling me how much she loved me and how important our family is ( we have 4 children) and all the sudden shes gone again and I believe its with the same man as last time…….any advice would help but reading this article makes perfect sense to me now

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