On 3/14/18 the Dating Women Radio Show will go for 2 hours - from 5-7 p.m. PST / 8-10 p.m. EST. Then no show on 3/21/18 and back to normal on 3/28/18 (5-6 p.m. PST / 8-9 p.m. EST)
THE SYSTEM says that you really need to start with the right woman. Trying to take a stripper seriously and then accepting a date after another beauty breaks the date on you is not the way to have success...
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Hey Doc,
I bought “The System” four years ago and around that time started dating the love of my life, Kristine. She happens to be an exotic dancer. I had terrifyingly high interest in Kristine from the start. At the beginning for several months she was really into me. Then we had what I considered a very insignificant argument during which I told Kristine to leave me alone in a rather rough manner. She took it very personally and told my sister that she was thinking about going back to her ex-boyfriend. I found out the hard way that strippers have feelings too. Kristine and I argued again, it escalated and I told her that if she was going to tell my sister such things, why not just go back to your boyfriend. “Done,” she said, and that was that.
I thought Kristine would be back in three to six months. But six months went by and nothing. I was CRUSHED. I had never loved someone so much. I’m just now barely over her.
During the mess with Kristine my Self-Control went out the window, but I’m slowly rebuilding. I met a new girl (a gorgeous blonde) and she broke our date a couple weeks ago and invited me to a birthday party instead. I said it was impossible and let’s play it by ear. What I have in mind is to not completely cut her off, but to acquire the skills to keep bombshell women like her on the line, unlike what I did with Kristine. From what I gather, the key to the heart of a Beautiful Woman is to simply not have an interest in them. I want to learn how to play their games and use my skills on them.
Please let me know what you think of this approach.
Wallace - who’s trying to figure it out
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Hi Wallace,
Kristine might have been really into you, but here’s the problem: you were dating someone who likes to walk around naked in front of strangers and takes money from them. Most men don’t want anything to do with that because it goes against the first principle of “The System,” which is LOYALTY. Think about it, pal. This girl takes her clothes off in front of all kinds of men. Do you really want to be in love with that? She’s paid to flirt – naked – with strangers. And you want her to be in love with you?
Then you gave Kristine an ultimatum and got what you wanted, but you were on the outs with her anyway. And she was talking about her exes, which is a no-no in my book. This babe is all messed up. Wallace, you should never have gone out with Kristine in the first place. And I’m shocked that since you have my book you didn’t know what to do in this situation. If you had memorized “The System,” you would have known that YOU NEVER FALL IN LOVE WITH A STRIPPER.
WHAT??? YOU didn't sign up for my free 7-day dating course yet? Did you not understand the word FREE?
Why did you think Kristine would be back in three to six months? Did you really expect her to think about you all that time? If she was coming back, she’d have done it within three to 10 days. You’re in a dream world, pal. And by the way, you can’t take her back because she’s back with her ex.
Dude, you might be crushed, and you might never have loved anyone as much as you love Kristine, but you’re not talking about HER Interest Level. As you know if you’re a student of my principles, the most important factor in a relationship is the woman’s Interest Level.
When Kristine broke up with you, you were out, Wallace. Didn’t you ever think that maybe...
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On 3/14/18 the Dating Women Radio Show will go for 2 hours - from 5-7 p.m. PST / 8-10 p.m. EST. Then no show on 3/21/18 and back to normal on 3/28/18 (5-6 p.m. PST / 8-9 p.m. EST)