July, 2018 | Doc Love - Dating Advice For Men - Part 11

Monthly Archives: July 2018

Dating Women Advice: Dating A Woman With Kids? 3 Things To Keep In Mind


We live in unprecedented times with many children being raised in single-parent households. I’m not here to make a social statement on this phenomenon but to give you some common sense coaching on what you need to keep in mind as a guy out there in the dating scene. My dating relationship education course entitled THE SYSTEM is designed from the man’s point of view and you cannot get information like this anywhere else – my approach is unique and protects your heart, wallet, time and most important your sanity.

Fortunately, you have my dating relationship education course called THE SYSTEM to guide you in this area.


Children Are The NUMBER ONE Priority

​My materials are designed for long-term relationships and when you date a woman with kids then you have to accept the fact that raising her children will become a part of what you do as things progress in the relationship. There is nothing more important that we can do as humans than raise and protect our young. I know she looks really good in the skirt with her hair all done when you pick her up but remember behind all the smiles and fun is a woman that has a serious obligation in her life – and at some point that obligation will fall on you to share. Are you ready for it?

Call my dating women radio show if you want advice from me on this – I take your calls every week (get the #'s and details by clicking this link).

(By the way, if you can't wait to talk to me on my radio show or you don't want to go public then order my phone coaching here).


FREE 7-day dating course.  
How to approach, the key to women, what to do on a first date and much more.  FIND OUT MORE HERE

Don't forget about a FREE Doc Love Club preview as well!


Baby Daddy Drama Could Be There

It would be nice if she has a amicable relationship with the ex and the way they split up raising their children does not affect their “adult relationship.” You would hope it would be that way for the kid’s sake but Doc Love lives in the real world so there is the distinct possibility that you will be encountering a bitter ex you have to deal with.

Many times he’s still in his children’s lives and he could be angry that she rejected him and will take it out on new guy – YOU. Is it irrational? Yes. Anytime you cause drama for no good reason it’s stupid and crazy but you might have to deal with verbal if not physical confrontations depending on what kind of ex she has.


THOUSANDS OF GUYS write me "you changed my life letters" (sample here) for one reason - THE SYSTEM is THE DEFINITIVE book on dating and relationships from a MAN'S point of view.

I've interviewed THOUSANDS of woman asking them why they CHOOSE to stay with one man versus another.

What I've LEARNED from women - I TEACH to men.

Get THE SYSTEM today - available via book form, electronic (immediate) download, and audio (also an immediate download)


What Is Their Age?

If you’re a 50-something and her children are in their 20’s in their own career 5 states away that’s one thing – if they’re 3, 7 and 10 that’s quite another. What are YOU prepared to deal with? Do you want an instant family? Are you ready to deal with trying to integrate with her children? What if they themselves are bitter that “dear old dad” got flushed in the relationship? I spoke about “Baby Daddy Drama” above but what about just “Baby Drama” – children , especially younger ones, are conservative by nature. They don’t like a lot of change and they certainly don’t like random stranger guy telling them to eat their peas. Even adult children might pose a problem depending on how the sides were drawn out in the divorce battle.

Also, how is she moving you into her children’s lives? I prefer that women wait a long time – at least 6 months – to bring you around. It’s more respectful to her children if she doesn’t run every Tom, Dick and Harry up to the house so he can be “Dad for 2 weeks.” Of course if the children are in their mid-20’s then it’s different than say meeting a 6-year old, but still, the focus should be on your relationship with her and not immediately sucking you into the family vortex. If a woman tries to rush you in this manner – RUN!

Hi Garry,


As soon as you began having trouble with your wife, you didn’t have “The System” overnighted to you (or buy my immediate downloads - ELECTRONIC SYSTEM or SYSTEM AUDIO). Why not? Do you realize the terrible anguish you could have saved yourself? All that time Donatella’s interest was going from 90%...to 88%...to 85%...to 82%, etc. And as most American men do, you noticed it finally when it hit 60% or 57% or somewhere in that area. “The System” says that this woman probably once loved you. You’ve been with her for 15 years, and she probably loved you for eight to 10 years of that time. After that, because you took her for granted, her Interest Level began to drop.


And let me explain something to you. Interest Level doesn’t drop from 100% to 49% in an hour, or overnight, even though that’s the man’s perception of what’s going on. No, like my cousin Rabbi Love says, “It takes time and negligence to erode.” That’s why if you’d have memorized my materials, when it went from 91% to 89% you would have known to start getting into my MAINTENANCE PROGRAM, which will secure the woman wanting to stay with you forever. But like most men in America, you knew how to get her, but you didn’t know how to keep her. That’s why a majority of women recently reported in a national survey that they wouldn’t marry the same guy again. But since you didn’t have my book, what’s happened to you now is predictable.


You might have thought this situation was going to improve on its own, Garry, but when Interest Level goes 60%...58%..56%...54%, it’s like an airplane going down. It won’t pull up by itself. Like my cousin General Love says, “It just crashes and burns.” And that’s what happened with your wife. You murdered her Interest Level through your deportment.


So when your relationship with Donatella took another dive, why didn’t you Google a love doctor for some advice? The question to ask was, why is this woman so turned off when for eight or 10 years she idolized me? Dude, a good salary and taking care of your family financially doesn’t equate to romance to a female.


Your wife had been showing you for a long time that you were miles apart. Did she really have to verbalize it and tell you she no longer loved you? You’ve been with her for a long time, and when she finally said it after a deterioration of five or six years, it was only then that you sat up and took notice? Are you blind? And to you Psych majors, when she tells you that she no longer loves you, you are OUT.


Now let me explain something else to you. When Interest Level consistently drops, it’s NEVER temporary. It’s only temporary until she leaves. Then it’s final,


Now you’re in a fatal depression, pal. If you’d been studying my book all along, it would have made the pain more bearable. So the first thing you have to do now is have “The System” OVERNIGHTED to you and MEMORIZE it (or get an immediate download - SYSTEM AUDIO or ELECTRONIC SYSTEM). Because when it comes to women, you are absolutely clueless, even after you’ve lived with this woman for so long. Garry, I know more about your wife than you do and I’ve never even met the woman. And that’s very sad.


Then, like my cousin Fast Eddie Love from East L.A. says, “You have to suck it up.” When Donatella calls, be polite, don’t talk about your relationship, ask her how much money she needs, send her a check and ask her if there’s anything more you can do for her. Maybe, with time, she’ll meet you for coffee, then maybe a dinner date, then maybe you’ll move into getting her back into the house. Try to talk to your kids as much as possible. You’ll have to apologize for blowing up and making a fool of yourself because when you did that, it only reinforced your wife’s low Interest Level. Because what she said to herself was that she didn’t realize that her husband was so lacking in Self-Control!


But no matter what, you still need my book. You need to find out where you went wrong with your wife. Like I said earlier, you’re clueless.


Whether or not Donatella has found someone else is beyond your control. So don’t make the problem even worse than it is. Get “The System,” study it like heck, and we’ll do our best to get her back.


Donatella didn’t throw away anything over nothing. You stopped romancing your wife and took her for granted. You never told her she was Beautiful. You didn’t treat her like a woman. If you did, she would still be all over you.


Remember, guys: to keep your wife in love with you, you have to date her.


Doc Love

Full Dating Women Radio Show - 04262023

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