4 Dating Women Advice: Does Scott Eastwood Ever Discover The Presence Of Another Man?
THE SYSTEM says that you have to deal in REALITY and when you are going out with a woman that has been engaged FIVE TIMES you have to stamp down your expectations of going the distance with her - like to NOTHING!
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Hey Doc,
I am completely confounded and devastated and need your coaching.
I purchased and read “The System” multiple times and have incorporated it into all of my actions. I call women instead of texting, I ask them out, I only spend six or seven minutes on the phone in order to build interest, then go from there.
I met the stunning Madison, single, never married, and engaged five times. When I met her she had a boyfriend. I called her once and she didn’t call back, so I figured that was that. Months later, she called me out of the blue and we began chatting from time to time. Eventually she asked me out. We went out and had a great time. After a while she told me that she dispatched the boyfriend and a few months later we were exclusive.
Now it’s three years later. One night when Madison was supposed to be out with her girlfriends, I found out that she was at a concert with some guy and apparently has been seeing him on the side. Madison alleges that there is nothing physical between them. Doc, I don’t believe her. I don’t just “spend time” with women and I don’t know anyone who does.
Madison and I have been fighting about this ever since I made the discovery of the presence of this other guy. She tells me that she loves me and wants to marry me and have a future. Is this hopeless? What am I supposed to do now?
Joon - who can’t believe this happened

You showed me how I could raise my standards and what qualities I needed to find to make a lasting happy relationship. I had confidence down, but you taught me the importance of (self) CONTROL and CHALLENGE. Read more...
Blake, Austin, TX- happily married thanks to THE SYSTEM
Hi Joon,
Hold it right here. The fact that Madison has been engaged FIVE TIMES is the BIGGEST RED FLAG I’ve ever seen in my life! This woman is what we call a BOLTER, a DRIFTER, meaning that when she gets in deep with a guy to the point where they are engaged, just before the marriage she dumps him. It would be okay if she’d done it once, but Madison has done this FIVE times. And look at the long, sordid chain of events that has to have happened here: she dates the guy…she gets deeply involved with him… she becomes his girlfriend…he asks her to get married and she says yes… they discuss a date…then, just before the wedding, she bails – not once, not twice, but FIVE times. What you didn’t ask yourself is this question, Joon: why aren’t you going to be number six?
Now you find out that Madison is out with some other guy. Dude, this woman is NOT LOYAL. The NUMBER ONE THING that men want is LOYALTY. To you Psych majors, when your girlfriend goes out with some other guy when she’s supposed to be in love with you, it contradicts high Interest Level.
Now some guys, after they get the girl, slowly walk away from the principles of “The System” and as a result...
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