THE SYSTEM says that making yourself too available will give you the results that this guy got and his results were??? SHE BLEW HIM OFF!
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Hey Doc,
First off, I want to thank you for putting "The System" together. I’ve totally bought into your techniques, but I’m having trouble implementing some of them because I’m very much a beginner.
Here’s my problem. I met the gorgeous Lucinda recently. I made sure to keep the conversation light and some casual touching happened. At this point I thought her Interest Level was at least 51%. I made an excuse to leave at the peak of our interaction and asked for her number. She gave it to me and I left. At this point I thought I was doing pretty well.
I decided to text-message Lucinda a greeting the next evening. I know you say to wait a week, but I thought one text message would be okay since I didn’t actually phone her. A few days later Lucinda called and invited me out with a bunch of her friends. I accepted because the offer was incoming.
Doc, does being with Lucinda and three others count as a date? I met them and it all went okay. Lucinda and I talked, exchanged compliments, and laughed. She mentioned that she’d be out with some other people on Saturday and again invited me. I went, but the night was definitely not as good as the first one. The conversation flattened out and Lucinda seemed to refrain from initiating contact. I’ve not heard from her since.
I’m at loss as to what to do next. I definitely feel like I was way too accessible to Lucinda, providing no Challenge, but it was difficult to refuse her invitations, especially when she was the one initiating them.
Doc, what do you think Lucinda’s Interest Level is now? Have I made a total mess of this? Is the situation salvageable, or should I delete her number? If Lucinda calls with another group invitation, should I accept, or politely refuse and counteroffer? If she doesn’t call me, should I call her? If so, how long should I wait?
I know this is a lot of questions, but I’m totally confused.
Wendell - who needs a ton of help
Hi Wendell,
You should be having a lot of trouble right now because you’re in the difficult early stages of changing a lot of old, bad habits, the kind that made your earlier dating life a disaster. It’s going to take you anywhere from two to three months to a year to get the basics of my techniques down. But I’m here to help men, and I GUARANTEE that you’re going to get better with women – a lot better.
So right now what you have to do is two things. First, don’t take women personally, and second, have fun with the process.
Lucinda’s Interest Level could have been 51%, but don’t forget that Professional Daters -- women with Interest Levels of only 40%-49% -- are very devious. They’ll touch you, but what they’re really doing is feigning Interest Level. This slick maneuver will keep you happy while she’s figuring out how long she’s going to keep you hanging around for her amusement and free food.
Regarding your text message, it’s not the vehicle that’s at fault. I want you to disappear. To be incognito. No communication. You left the country – that’s what I’d like to see. I want Lucinda – or any fox -- wondering about and pondering on this fascinating guy she met, and when you text message or e-mail or phone, you...
The rest of this answer is available to Doc Love Club Members Only and you can find it here when you join.
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