November, 2020 | Doc Love - Dating Advice For Men - Part 6

Monthly Archives: November 2020

DWP 264: Why You Should Never Talk Yourself Out Of A Date With Her

Never talk yourself out of a date with her.  You see, Doc's SYSTEM is based on sales principles - DOC BROUGHT SALES TO DATING and the sales principle we are talking about this week - NEVER TALK PAST THE CLOSE applies to your dating life.  Don't forget to join the Doc Love Club here and when you do you'll get connected to this week that features about an hour of audio and a special article that talks about NEVER going on a trip with her unless you are at least 6 months in - find out why Plus there are hundreds of hours of audio and hundreds of articles in the Doc Love Club and it grows weekly! Also, don't forget to right click and download this week's podcast here and  get your free 7-day dating course here

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