Dating Women Radio Show Friday Freebie: 3/3/2023
Weeks for us start on a Sunday so for the week of Sunday, 2/26/2023, what did we produce for you - and what's coming up?
Don't forget these FREE things are great but you need THE SYSTEM/DATING DICTIONARY and you CAN NOW GET IT FOR 10% OFF since you follow us on social media!
ARTICLE (Latest release, 3/2/2023)
*She wants to drop him for lack of communication - GOOD says Doc!
VIDEO (Latest release, 2/19/2023 - next release, 3/5/2023 - see below)
*How to stop obsessing over someone you want...GET THE VIDEO HERE IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET
NOTE: Next video release is 3/5/2023 and the subject is do women prefer a lean or muscular body?