Blog | Doc Love - Dating Advice For Men - Part 1219

2 DWP 024: What Great Salesmen Do That Will Coach You To Meet And Keep Ms. Right – Sales Has More To Do With Dating Than You Think

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What Great Salesmen Do That Will Coach You To Meet And Keep Ms. Right – Part 1 Of 5 – Learn To Love Rejection And Failure:  Really???  Love rejection and failure!  YES!  Not every date will be successful but if you don't learn what to do the next time and the next girl you will be woefully unprepared when your Ms. Right appears.  Guys that aren't failing or getting rejected from time to time are guys that aren't trying hard enough.  You have ONE shot with Ms. Right – will you be prepared?

FREE 7-Day Course & $20 OFF!: – click that link because you will not only get a FREE 7-day dating course but you'll also get $20 off my downloadable books – in PDF OR audio form.  SALE EXPIRES 10/31/16 – GET YOURS NOW!

What Great Salesmen Do That Will Coach You To Meet And Keep Ms. Right – Part 2 Of 5 – Believe You're The Best:  How is she going to fall for you if you don't think you're her best option?  Sadly many men act like the woman is doing them a big favor by going out with them and that is a BIG MISTAKE because you look like a needy little boy in her eyes.  Learn the mindset you need to be successful with women in this class!

Right click to download this episode here

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There are 3 more parts to this series at  – join now to get:

What Great Salesmen Do That Will Coach You To Meet And Keep Ms. Right – Part 3 Of 5
Released 3/16/16 (look for it there)
How not to get tied up in any one woman – it's a numbers game fellas!

What Great Salesmen Do That Will Coach You To Meet And Keep Ms. Right – Part 4 Of 5
Released 3/23/16 (look for it there)
Learn how to QUICKLY move on to the next girl – don't get tied up in women that will waste your time!

What Great Salesmen Do That Will Coach You To Meet And Keep Ms. Right – Part 5 Of 5
Released 3/30/16 (look for it there)
How to keep her once you've gotten her!

Join NOW at to get those 3 classes AND over 150 hours of audio AND over 100 articles – plus we GROW ALL THE TIME as we add audio and articles weekly.

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