Blog | Doc Love - Dating Advice For Men - Part 1239

Dating Women Advice: Does Ryan Gosling Ever Worry About A Babe’s Interest Level?

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YES - ask for the phone number - ALWAYS.  You can learn so much about what she really feels by asking:  "What's your phone number?"

Read on...

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Hey Doc,

I got your book a couple weeks ago and just finished it for the first time. The reason I got it was because I think I messed up BIG with Jemele and am determined to change.

I met her before I left for college and became friends with her entire church group. I had a thing for her before I left for college, and made it somewhat obvious but not enough to make it awkward. Again, this was before I got “The System.” Anyway, I haven’t seen Jemele for nine months, and now it’s summer break and I’m back at home and working with the church music group.

I have been implementing Challenge and so far Jemele has been giving me positive feedback. Above all, I have been acting indifferent towards her, but still making her laugh. As everyone was leaving a church rehearsal, she came by with her little sister and they started talking to me. During the conversation she did a few things that made me think she might have something for me.

First, she said that there was a Christian concert later this summer that we should go to. Second, I caught her looking at me out of the corner of my eye. One time I looked back at her and she started a conversation with me. When I started talking with her sister, she tried to get my attention. Whenever the conversation stopped, she picked it right back up.

That being said, could you please coach me on a couple of things? I have no clue what Jemele’s Interest Level is because I have been dead wrong before about women. Being a traditional girl, she is probably looking for the man to ask her out, but I don’t want to lose Challenge points by doing so. How should I go about doing this? Furthermore, she is 17 and I am 20, which puts me in somewhat of an awkward position as she is under 18. Finally, I don’t know how to initiate touching because there is a rule in the church that states no hugging of people of the opposite sex unless you are pretty much married to them.

Needless to say, I will keep re-reading “The System,” but I would love it if you could help me tie up some loose ends.

Clancy - who doesn’t want to make a mistake


Hi Clancy,

First of all, thanks very much for trusting me. After I get through training you – and assuming you do everything I tell you to do, you don’t cherry-pick my techniques, and you retain a mind that’s open to change – I will guarantee that you will never again make a mistake with girls like you did with Jemele.

When you said that you have been acting indifferent to Jemele but you’re still making her laugh, that was a very heavy thought, my friend. It’s important that you don’t show your feelings to a girl, but that you always act like a gentleman and make her laugh. So what you’re doing is perfect. You’re getting it, dude. But this is just one piece and remember that “The System” has led you here.

Now, when Jemele told you that there was a Christian concert that you had to go to later in the summer, you should have TIED IT DOWN right then and there as your FIRST DATE. You should have set...

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