Blog | Doc Love - Dating Advice For Men - Part 1377

18 Online Dating Tips For Men: Avoiding Time Wasters


Be Careful - These Women Will Give You Carpal Tunnel!

Pointing your browser (or Smartphone app) at the profiles of the ladies you're into is an awesome way to get to know someone in the 21st century and you can get more online dating tips for men in my article here but I want to go over some time wasting women you'll encounter on the world wide web because they're out there ready to give you carpal tunnel and false hope!

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online dating tips for men

Time Waster #1: I Don't Know You Very Well

This is the most insidious and creepy one that women can pull online in my opinion. She responds to your message right away and you have great conversations back and forth where you think that meeting her out is imminent until she puts the brakes on with one of the following statements in response to your request to meet her for coffee or a drink:

"Can we speak on the phone first?"

"I need to talk to you more online before I'm comfortable."

"It's too soon."

I'm assuming you didn't come off creepy yourself by saying something sexual or suggesting an out of the way bar and had about 3-4 normal messages back and forth with her. This type of lady is seeking nothing but attention and has no intent of actually meeting you - she just loves her virtual pen pal! Normal women with normal interest level in getting to know you will meet you in a nice, casual, public place after 3-4 good emails back and forth. If she pulls a variation of any of those statements above and you've done everything right then just say NEXT

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online dating tips for men

Time Waster #2: Separated

I can't believe guys get sucked into this one! I teach in my dating relationship education course named THE SYSTEM that you should have NO exes floating around in the background and if she's separated then don't go there - and I don't care how "over" she says it is (because, gosh, you can trust what an online stranger says to you, right? Errr....).

If she's separated then she's still LEGALLY MARRIED so I would say that qualifies as more than an ex floating around in the background - SHE'S GOT A HUSBAND FLOATING AROUND IN THE BACKGROUND.

Listen - it *might* really be over and he *might* live 10 states away with his new girlfriend but then again it's more likely that there is still at the very least drama going on.

Why in the world would you want to deal with that? Just because she's hot? Yeah, physical attraction can blind guys but don't let it happen. If you're looking to start something then start with a clean deal - make sure she's either single or divorced because "separated" means there's still another guy in the picture - not worth it to get 7 dates in and find out they decided to reconcile!

online dating tips for men

Time Waster #3:  Random Responses

You email her and bam she emails you back right away. You think you have a "live one" and then you respond and then................nothing.

She is online nearly every day but no response to your response. Then a week later you get a "sorry - been busy blah blah blah" and then you respond - and then.................nothing.

The communication between the U.S. and Russia in 1955 was way less strained than this hot mess you're into. You know why you're getting random response? Because she's either not interested or a head case - either way - forget her! A normal flow is to have 3-4 emails go back and forth over the course of 7-10 days and then have a coffee date or drink somewhere to see if you have real life chemistry. The random response woman represents frustration and wasted time!
