Dating Women Podcast | Doc Love - Dating Advice For Men - Part 473

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DWP 017: Be Ready For Ms. Right, Dating App Review, The Importance Of Being Old School PLUS More

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What Do You Need To Do To Be Ready For Ms. Right?:  It all starts with being based in reality and getting your ego out of the way!  We review this dating site and how you should approach it.

He Put His # On A $100 Bill???:  You won't believe the classless way he tried to meet a woman.  It worked (miracle of miracles) but it's a TERRIBLE approach that has little chance of success.

Be “Old School”:  Even though we live in the modern world being “old school” is still important in dating and relationships.

He's Great In Business…But In Love…Not So Much!:  He gets an A in business and an F in dating – you can't believe this guy!

Free Dating Course & about 20% Off Our Downloadable Products: 

Places To Meet Women BESIDES Online Dating:  We break down some ideas on where to meet women in the real world.

You Won't Find Her Sitting On Your Can:  Keep yourself in the game and keep your conversation skills sharp with strangers because when you meet Ms. Right you will need to be the best you can be when talking to her.

Right click to download this episode here 

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Dating Women Podcast

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