Dating Women Podcast | Doc Love - Dating Advice For Men - Part 475

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DWP 015: Your Looks Can Get You In The Door But Your Personality Keeps Her, She Must Break Contact With Exes PLUS More

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Being Good Looking Can Interest Her But You Need Personality To Keep Her:  YES, she has to be attracted but if that's all you got you're not going to last.

Commercials That Rip Guys:  Don't act like the guys featured in these ads because you'll be a SUPER WIMP in real life.

Remember Relationships Are A Partnership:  Do not let anyone tell you different – you're not better than her – and she's not better than you – you both bring something to the table.

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Telling Is Not Selling:  It's an axiom from sales that tells you how to act in dating – you have to let her talk most of the time but you do have to offer things as well.  Find out in this call how to balance it all.

She MUST Break Contact With Her Exes Before You Make Her Your Girlfriend:  Don't get into a relationship with her if she's still in contact with her exes.

Find Out Why She Dropped Her Ex:  It's great information to have because you can verify THE SYSTEM.

TRUST Her:  If she gives you her word then BELIEVE HER and do not check up on her later.

Right click to download this episode here 

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Don't Be Weak With Her + A Foolproof Way To Tell If It Is A Bad Date

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Don't Be Weak With Her + A Foolproof Way To Tell If It Is A Bad Date           Don't Be Weak With Her + A Foolproof Way To Tell If It Is A Bad Date          
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