You Changed My Life | Doc Love - Dating Advice For Men - Part 3

Category Archives for "You Changed My Life"

You Changed My Life: Why She Appreciates A SYSTEM Man

Hi Jeff,

As all of his family, friends and followers, I will miss Doc because he changed my life.

February 5, 2021 marked my 10th first date anniversary with my husband, Scott.

We met for coffee (which I don't drink, but I was THAT interested) after a short email exchange on

His profile was literate, his photos recent and real.  He said he was looking for a giving, flexible woman who was not afraid to embrace her femininity and one who would giggle at his corny jokes. In a past long -term marriage, I had been ridiculed and manipulated for having these qualities. I thought, "He is looking for me!"

Fast forward two years from that first date and we were preparing to be married. The rabbi had us fill out a compatibility survey.

We both said, in different ways, that the other person was our biggest fan. Thank you, truly from the bottom of my heart, for helping my husband to recognize me when he found me.

I am forever indebted to you for helping him to continue to strive to be the best man he can be. We always joke that that first $99 was the best money he ever spent, but it's really not a joke at all.

Thank you again,

Cindy in Loveland (really) Ohio

If you ever have any doubts as to the incredible impact THE SYSTEM can make on your life then read the letter to the left and of course you can read more letters here!

Some things you can plug into as you decide whether or not you want to buy THE SYSTEM:

*FREE 7-day dating course
*FREE sample week from the Doc Love Club
*FREE excerpts from the Doc Love Club
*FREE weekly podcast
*What Doc's students say about him (over an hour of audio)

Of course you need THE SYSTEM first and foremost but you can check out the great things above and see if this is right for you - and let me tell you THE SYSTEM IS RIGHT FOR YOU!


Doc Love

She Only Wants To Be Friends Plus You Never Compliment Her?

Doc Love         Doc Love        
She Only Wants To Be Friends Plus You Never Compliment Her?           She Only Wants To Be Friends Plus You Never Compliment Her?          
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