You Changed My Life
In 40+ years Doc Love has received thousands of "you changed my life letters" because common sense isn't so common anymore, especially when it comes to advice on dating for men and advice for men in relationships.
Please make sure to buy The System because only The System gives you everything you need to understand why a woman chooses to stay with one man versus another.
Win with women and never be confused again by getting The System.
If you get The System, maybe you'll be writing one of the letters below. Check out DOC'S BLOG for even more YOU CHANGED MY LIFE LETTERS!
Hi Doc,
This is your loyal student and aspiring Spartan Mohamed from Egypt. I must admit I memorized all the do's and don'ts my first time around reading the system, but then I decided to do as you say and read it fifteen times, and boy Doc the difference is just astounding! Even though I had all the techniques down, I realized that there's more meaning in between the lines, it's not just a bunch of do's and don'ts; it's a whole state of mind! Going through the book again with a pen and paper, giving it all the focus I can, I saw things I never did before; The System coalesced into a style of life, not just a book about finding and keeping the right woman in love, it's about being the best you can be.
The System made me grow; I'm more mature now, more patient, and more thoughtful. I'm more organized with my studies and my hobbies because that's how you taught me a respectable man should be. Thanks to The System and the radio show my relationships with my friends, family, everyone else, and myself have taken a turn for the better.
Those past couple of months, I've been reading a lot of books written by pick-up artists and practicing their techniques, and let me tell you Doc, there's more than a thousand ways to get a girl but only one way to pick and keep the right one; and that's through your teachings and your radio show.
I've just ordered Mastery I to renew my commitment and improve myself even more. As General Love says: "Drill, drill, and drill".
Thank you Doc
Your loyal student
Hi Doc,
Wow, at the moment, I am in utter awe with myself. I've been a loyal student of the System for about 6 months now, and it has truly changed my life. I just finished getting off the phone with a friend of mine, (who unfortunately is not a fellow Spartan), and have truly seen through my teaching to him just how much I understand your material. Within 2-5 minutes I was able to analyze his situation, successfully deciphering his errors. He of course being an inexperienced student began to rationalize. It is funny, without the system, men don't seem to realize just how much they rationalize. Ego is the main driver of failure for men, period. And it does not just hold water in terms of relationships - in all walks of life, the ego will dilute a man's true worth, and this my friends, is just the way it goes. My friend's situation for instance, reflects this idea perfectly. Pretty much, he dated a girl who had just broken up with her boyfriend, only to have her leave him 3 months later. And after this all, he tries to rationalize this to me. How does this happen? The answer is the ego. It's mind boggling just how a man's cognitive process operates without this material (The System). It is almost sad in a sense - you see a friend of yours, who has a good heart with good intentions towards women, i.e. Wimpus Americanus, but who just does not understand how women operate and hence will never understand how to maintain a long lasting, healthy relationship with his future mate. What's worse is how hurt my friend was over this, and he had only dated her for 3 months; they weren't even exclusive! Which brings me to another point - neediness = weak = lower interest level on her part. Men need to learn to be patient and not project their high interest level on to women. Instead, the key is to read each and every one of her actions and listen to every word she says, at the same time enacting the idea of challenge, because she will not lie, but most of you without the book, I am sure will not listen.
To some, it may seem that six months is too short a time to fully grasp the deep-rooted principles of the system, but like I said, I am a loyal student. I read the book every night and listen to the show each week. Guys, consistency is key. Let me say that again - consistency is the key. Doc is not lying when he says to read the book 15-20 times. Again, this is not an exaggeration. Ask yourself how badly you want change. Do you want to end up like my friend, who gets attached to every girl he meets and is always left wondering why she left, continually rationalizing for her low interest level and his lack of confidence, control, and challenge? Guys, it's time to wake up. Doc put it perfectly in one of his radio shows - he's our cutman in the ring of love. He will be there for us to snap us out of it and pick us up when we fall down. But again, you need to make the choice - will you put in the time or not? This is no BS; this is a genuine letter, from a young Spartan (age 23) who has learned a wealth of information that most men will not learn in their entire lifetimes, and our friend Doc is here to help us in this very misunderstood and unaccounted area of life. I don't know about you guys, but my father never sat me down and taught me the principles that Doc has, and for this, I am truly grateful. It just goes to show just how broken the relations between men and women actually are. These ideas simply not being preserved or passed down for others to learn. It feels good to be so young (23) and ahead of the curve in this area of life. I am continually seeing the mistakes my friends are making with women, as well as the way women act and think, what they do and do not like and most notably, the games they play and the strategies they employ to get what they desire.
In a short time, I have learned so much, and I know that having Doc as my teacher and friend will only mean even further growth for my future years to come. I am so thankful for you Doc & Jeff; you guys have been the voice for men that has sadly been quieted over the years. I'm glad you two are uncovering and exposing the truth. On a side note, as ridiculous as it may sound (because of brainwashing), The War on Men does in fact exist, and through Doc's teachings I've seen more and more how prevalent it is in our culture today, and just how badly it portrays men and empowers women to make unethical, irrational judgments upon us.
The point is this - in order to be successful in anything, time, patience, and dedication are required. If you want to change your life, it is time to join the fellow Spartans.
Thank you Doc, in very a short time, you have changed my life, and I know that I will only continue to reap the benefits that come with this new way of thinking. To be honest, about a year ago, my EX left me. Simply put, I was heart broken by it all, but when I found you, I knew you would help me get through it all. You have changed my life in ways that words simply cannot describe. You are a good MAN Doc; I wish we had more role models like yourself in the world today. I can't wait until I find my Miss Right; I will treat her like the Gentleman you have taught me to be! God Bless you!
Loyal Spartan,
You changed my life. Entirely. But I failed you. I failed you as a student. I failed you as a man. I regret and have to honestly admit it. I couldn’t or wouldn’t disappear when I should have… That was the only moment during my whole adventure with women, when I didn’t listen to you!
Caprice (19 y.o.) was so perfect in my eyes, I was sure, that I truly mean something to her, that she loves me so much and I can finally stop playing ‘the game’ and start to do what my heart whispered was right. Her IL dropped dramatically. We’ve been together for 18 months, it was fun, it was live, it was excellent! Without a word of either explanation/goodbye/get lost/stay, she starts to kiss and date other guy. Just like that. Treats me like as if never existed. There’s nothing I can do about it. My poor, little ‘ego’ is sobbing. I should have taken it aside and judge the situation dispassionately.
I should have… I should have... But I didn’t! Although I am aware you told me to. Now I suffer. Shame on me.
A bit of background. I’m 20; I study International Economics in Europe. I have a private pilot license; I’m also an ex-model with tons of hobbies, come from wealthy, very well educated and respected Family. I play tennis, am 6.13 ft high, fit, great shape and above all am a fun guy to be with! With very high self-esteem. But luckily not as high to understand where and why I failed.
Now I clearly see that the way I look, knowledge and passions I have is nothing but a useless weapon in this man vs. women battlefield. It’s simply not enough to conquer woman and keep interested. This is a war Doc. Like you always say. A harsh war with no place for mercy or forgetfulness. One false move, you’re a dead man!
That’s the reason I write you this mail. To share a painful experience. And protect other men. Tell them once again to follow your footsteps, not mine...
At least now, thanks to the powerful System I promise to memorize and having an ally in you, I can proudly walk toward enlightenment and happiness in relationships with women.
‘Never make the same mistake again’. I borrow that credo.
Apologies Doc.
Your humble student,
Hey Doc,
I've been a long time student of yours now for a little over four years. Your book still sits at my nightstand and I read a chapter every night. I thought I'd just share some quick verification of the System I've recently received that your newer students might appreciate.
I've been dating Jennifer for almost five months now. There have been no red flags whatsoever, thus far. She's what you'd call a dangerous creature (i.e. a beautiful woman that's also flexible giver.) She's basically everything you train your students to hunt for. Luckily, I was ready for her and prepared to keep her thanks to your training! She's told me NUMEROUS times that she enjoys the fact that I'm always planning unique dates. She also reinforced this quality when she described one of the men she dated (briefly) before me. The guy would call her and very weakly ask her out with no set plans, causing her to have to decide. She admitted that shortly after meeting me, she dropped him.
And Doc, I know we don't talk about sex, but let me just say that you're absolutely right about waiting as long as possible. Just last night she complimented me, saying with a smile "you're so patient" and later referred to me as "a diamond in the rough."
In short, if I hadn't been prepared via your System, I KNOW there's no way I would've been able to keep this one, Doc.
Thanks a million.
Spartan in training,
P.S. If any of your students are looking for date ideas, I've got two that have been real winners. One idea is to take her to the zoo and plan a picnic. This REALLY boosted her interest level. Another idea is to take her to a music concert of some sort. The girl I'm seeing enjoys jazz music, so I found a hole in the wall club and took her there. Another simple date idea that really raised interest level. Also, for the guys with a flexible giver that wants to cook for them, BE SURE TO BRING A NICE BOTTLE OF WINE! That's all I got, Doc. Thanks again!
You are brilliant! I read your columns faithfully. It may be geared towards men, but I think you really should start writing for women too. When I read your advice, I put myself into the man's shoes and process accordingly. This week you offer EXCELLENT advice. I am printing it out and referring to it often. I have found that the best plan of action with a man is to put off sex as long as possible because a man will believe that how you act with him is how you act with other men. And he treats you much better. I want to thank you for a fabulous column that could not have come at a better time for me.
You have my permission to use me as a testimonial. I really do appreciate your work. I used to follow the rules by Sherrie Schneider and Ellen Fein. But really I follow you and Ginie Sayles book, The Seduction Mystique while looking at his interest level and how he treats me. I also date as many men as possible without sleeping with them. I may only date the same man for 3-5 times before he drops me before he gets sex, but the best ones stick around when I tell them that a sexual relationship will happen when I know them better (usually 4-6 months).
I just wanted to say THANK YOU. Your System has helped me immensely. Im a totally different man today because of my new way of thinking and dealing with women. I used to get taken advantage of, but not any more. Now I run the show. Still have lots to learn but I have truly done a 180. Its great to have the power to leave them 1st. I did that with one girl a few months back.
She had a lot of good qualities but then became a taker and not a giver(in the sex dept) so I gave her the boot. It was easy to do and I did'nt feel like crap after (like normally) I now have a new confidence. I have been teaching and educating my 4 best guy friends. They considerme a System Master now
I'm getting emails and calls all the time asking for advice from them. I forward them to your Articles every Thursday. Looking forward to the mastery series.
Thanks again for your wisdom and guidance.
Stephen S
Whittier, CA
I have to say it again. IT WORKS! Against my instincts (thinking I might lose her if I held out for a week) I stayed with THE SYSTEM. I have been getting messages "begging" me to call. She asked if I would take a long weekend with her in San Francisco (we're in Colorado) and that she would pick up the tickets and hotel. She is trying everything including dinner and a sexual fantasy..."Please call, I miss you" messages 2 or 3 times a day. It is incredible...this woman who was losing interest is now obsessed. After over three years with her it is like having a new woman. I am having the time of my life. THANKS AGAIN, DOC!
Jim, Newport Beach
Hi Doc, Oh man! This stuff in unbelievable! Had I known this book existed long ago, I could have avoided years of torment and torture, as well as countless dollars spent on futile attempts at romance. What a brilliant and helpful perspective on affairs of the heart, with it's purpose to help the suffering male minority (which, I might add, takes a beating on a regular basis in the name of "political correctness"). I have read The Dating Dictionary three times, and I plan to read it once more. It makes more sense every time I pick it up. Since receiving your book, I have gone on 3 dates (and mind you, have not scratched once!). I can honestly say for once that I am happy to be single, and will look forward to a life of peace and control in romance. It is helpful to know such valuable information, and for once, not feel like a nervous wreck in the dating game. For guys like me (who are good looking, professional hard workers), your book is an essential guide to the mating dance, and a helpful boost for confidence.
John from New York (formerly known as "wimpus americanis")
Great job Doc, I have to say that you hit the nail on the head. You're right on the money Doc Love. Keep up the great work and I cannot believe what I got for less than a hundred dollars.
Ken from Ontario
Howdy Doc,
Why are women rejecting me when I have been nothing but nice to them? Fortunately I discovered the website and consequently your column, your website and some truthful answers. You are the first relationship/dating professional who hit on what is REALLY going on in the female mind. I needed to hear more so I ordered your program and it is blowing my mind.
" Texas" Tom
Hi Doc,
Today I received your amazing and incredible "SYSTEM". It's everything I imagined it to be. You solved the Answering Machine problem. Pure genius! It's all fantastic. Every page has a solution. EVERY PAGE. I cannot believe it! Thank God you published your work. My confidence level is into the stratosphere! Thanks, Doc, for putting me on the road to the elusive (no more) "The One". You have made me, A True Believer.
Rodney from London
Say Doc, I recently purchased your books and CD's and I want to thank you for the great advice. I just started to see this girl a few weeks ago and for the first time everything is going great! I learned that I never was a challenge and now that I act it, she does everything I always wanted (i.e. I'm not carrying the relationship). Just wanted to let you know that your material really helps and thank you.
Sam from Dallas
What's up Doc?
This chick is kinda chasing me; today she touched me twice, other guys at work chase her, but she comes to me, we laugh together plus eye contact. I'm going slowly, like you taught me Doc. I've shown her I do like her but I don't fall all over her. I keep doing The "SYSTEM" and read the book over and over; it's really the best 99 bucks I've spent. Hey Doc, Angel is so cute!
Rocco from Portland
Dear Tom,
First, let's dispense with the formalities: I'm Carl, and I am really a physician - I was even a psychiatrist for a while, before I got fed up with it. Important Stuff: RE: Holy Mother of God, this material really seems to work, AND it explains things intelligibly.
Carl from South Africa
Hey Doc,
Just wanted you to know that I am a happy customer and that your insights have opened my eyes to things that were right in front of me that I didn't see in various situations. Thanks for making me see clearly and knowing what is really going on with women.
Mr. Chan from LA
Say Doc,
You're going to get a lot from me. I am the teddy-bear guy that you talk about in your book. I could always get dates but I over complimented and never said no..... Now I'm armed and dangerous. The women are acting so different now. I'm telling my friends about you. You got a hell of a market out there, Doc.
Ted from London
I found you on, which I ran across Sunday morning while doing a search on a piece of entertainment trivia. I looked around, read a few articles, then; I hit one of yours. Here's my opinion on them: not only did your advice always ring true with my instincts, but also you possess the ability to verbalize and explain, logically, *why* -- in a message delivered with genuine confidence and kindness. I wish you happiness and continued success.
Joe from St. Louis
Hi Doc,
I will not take up much of your time but I had to say this... I have read almost the entire book and I'm sure I will read it over and over. I am stunned. I have been doing everything wrong for years. As I have said, I am in my forties and gone through several relationships. Knowing what I have learned from the break ups and soul searching for years, the "System" seems perfectly the way to do things. For years I have read all the self-help books from all the other "love doctors." Yours is the only one that makes sense . I know this from beating my head against the barn for years. I could have saved myself a lot of pain if I had this information years ago. I thank you.
Larry from Idaho
Say Doc,
The "System" is nothing short of pure genius, I guess the old saying common sense isn't so common is true. You have made the ritual of dating so simple and successful that any Neanderthal can understand it. I tried The "System" after studying it for approximately three months and slowly but surely I noticed a change not only in the responses of pussycats I dated but also a very positive, quiet, confident change taking place within myself. No more wimp, just pure gentleman. The ladies responses have been indescribable.
Thanks Doc!
Manual from Fort Worth
Dear Doc,
I want to thank you for writing such an informative book. For once I think I've got my money's worth in self-help reference. I'm in your debt. I received it yesterday and I'm already applying THE SYSTEM. You wouldn't believe how much the opposite I was handling my own situations. I look back and feel like a real idiot. I wish I could of read this 4 years ago. I'll write back when I get some results, until then, thanks again.
Steve from Calgary
Dear Doc,
I thought I was history as a husband. Had nothing to lose so I ordered your system & stumbled along. I didn't have a clue when it came to women. Now I'm beginning to get at least an idea of the game I am in. I have a long way to go, the ergo ego keeps getting in the way. Thanks Doc, I know for a fact I would be divorced without your help. Keep on helping as many of us as you can.
Keith from London
Say Doc,
I just got your book and, I'll have to admit (I bet you've heard this before) that I was extremely skeptical, but just getting out of a really bad relationship I thought what the hell and bought it. I just started reading (about half way through the book) and I have to say that I believe this is going to be some of the best money I have ever spent. I am seeing what a schmuck I have been - it's like a light bulb just went on in my head. Your insights are dead on - can't wait to finish the book.
Gary from Las Vegas
I could easily write for several pages, but I'll be brief. "The System" is absolutely brilliant. It's the best C-note I have ever spent. I can't begin to tell you how it has positively impacted my life - and not just in the dating arena. I have instructed all of my guy friends and relatives to get it - I just hope they can put their egos aside and actually go through with it. I have a feeling that when they see how much fun I'm having, they'll reconsider. Thanks again and best regards,
Jim from Pensacola
Doc Love (The Exalted Highness, Great Ruler of the Love Nation),
I love you man (like in the beer commercial). I have seen the light from The System and already three women who were in the 55-75% IL range are now ALL IN THE 75-90% RANGE! I feel like Helen Keller who just got an eye and an ear TRANSPLANT. I can see and hear now! I will practice The "System" for life! Thank You.
Mark (True Believer - Lost-Son - Converted) Sherman Oaks
Hi Doc,
With the exception of the bible, no book has ever moved me more in a positive way than your book! Absolutely gut wrenching! Thanks again!
Ed From Billings
Mr. Doc,
Still reading your wonderful column in the Don Juan Center and reading the Dating Dictionary.... My mind has opened up so much and I've become a much stronger person because of it. I can see the benefits in my love life already...And Doc-I never knew it could be so cheap! You're saving me money already but with results 10 times better than if I'd smothered her with gifts, flowers etc. Thanks again!
Jaspal in Bombay
I'm 30 years old. I have never gone on a real date my entire life, by this I mean a date that lasts longer than the inital date. Guess what? Ever since I ordered THE SYSTEM a few months ago, I've dated 3 women with high interest level, but dumped all 3 because they all had bad attitudes. At first I couldn't believe what I was doing. Previously I have never dumped a woman whom I had high interest in. They have always let me off the hook first. But low and behold 50 days ago I began dating the woman of my dreams. On a scale of 10 she's at least an 8. I know how you feel about beautiful women, but this one is as beautiful inside as she is out. In fact, her interest level in me is higher than my interest level in her, something I never thought was possible in a woman whom I first thought was out of my league. She has never turned down a date so far whether I give her a weeks notice or 10 minutes (not recommended) notice! Thanks for helping me find the woman of my dreams. In the process you have helped me become the man of hers. I cannot thank you enough. Again thank you.
Sincerely, Mark from Kansas
I Just wanted to thank you for coaching me. I am really starting to pick up on things in relationships and I cannot tell you how good it feels to know what I am doing and to be able to protect myself when it comes to dating. I just screened out a user and without THE SYSTEM I would have been completely fooled and heartbroken. Now she is just going to be a "friend" (ha!ha!) with potential. (These were her words) Too bad I know better (bottom Line) and I'm sure the other women like it when she dances so close (tease). She has no idea that I know! Hell Yeah!!! PS Challenge is the most fun I have had in ages! Just like a magnet I swear!
Sincerely, Andrew US Navy
Your comments on naggers and amiable mannered women are backed up by God's word: Naggers: Proverbs 21:0 (revised standard version) - It's better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a contentious woman Proverbs 21:19 - It is better to live in a desert land than with a contentious and fretful woman. (From your Dating Dictionart, p 13 under arguments, your comment: it's better to deal with someone with a soft feminine voice and amiable manner) 1 Peter 3:4 - But let it be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable jewel of a gentle and quiet spirit which in God's site is very precious.
Thank you, David from Utah
Dear Doc Love,
I ordered your "System" six and a half months ago and studied it hard, made notes before dates and followed "The System", which by the way is not easy at all, but great things aren't attained easily and without discipline. The result is that I have been dating this very giving and flexible beautiful woman (39), ex - fashion model for six months and from the beginning, thanks to "The System" things went way - way better than I expected in terms of her interest level being very high. Now, as we know flexible, giving, and humorous beautiful down to earth girls are rare (I was married to a rigid and structured, mostly not - giving beautiful Woman, so I know first hand!). I constantly keep vigilant and apply Challenge now and then in a subtle manner, like ending phone calls myself, and letting her e-mail me first, perhaps waiting a bit to answer (she gets worried...good!).
I keep things humorous and lighthearted verbally and let my eyes and touch convey my love to her. I waited 5 months to tell her I love you, and that was after she told me she loved me around the second month. I think she likes the fact that I don't use "I love you" more than about once every two or three weeks. I still let her initiate a lot of the touching like "The System" suggests. I also don't end e-mails and phone conversations with "I love you," it really seems to be anti - Challenge to me. Most of all I don't apologize for being a guy and if I feel - like complimenting her with some open innuendo I do it and she loves it and is not offended by it, it actually turns her on. The result is that her comfort level is very high and I can be myself. Please accept my sincere gratitude for your sage advice and coaching. Your principles are truly scientific in their unfailing practical usability. This is most amazing and truly revolutionizes the odds of having a great relationship with a woman. I am remaining anonymous for the time being because I am a well-known jazz recording artist. All my best to you and continued amazing success in your career.
The Jazz Artist
Hi Doc (Tom),
Thanks so much for the book and the CD's, and The "System". I got it last Tuesday (9/25). I have figured out in a short time what I have been doing wrong, it is not my looks, nor my intelligence, but mannerisms that indicate I am needy and clingy, not a challenge. In the last few days I have been employing the simple concept of just the basic information response to questions from and interested woman. In a 20-minute conversation with one gal I raised her IL from 51 up to I would say 70 percent (twinkle in her eye with an incredible smile) just by this technique alone. I got her number the next morning on Saturday. I call her on 10/07.
I had already arranged a date with another gal for Saturday (last night) before I got to the Weekday rule, but honestly I think it would be pretty hard for her to go out during the week (3 daughters and a full time student, she has it pretty together though) So I went along almost after canceling the date and it turned out wonderful. It was our second date (first was for coffee) and I did the same technique with the questions, she would lead right into the next question, just like a curious pussycat pulling on a loose thread. And I kept the conversation light and bantering with her doing 70 to 80 percent of the talking and a lot of laughing. She did comment that she felt like she was being interviewed and I said "you are, this is by no means a done deal, and I need to know If I want to go into business with you" She said, "ya know, that makes sense," so after Dinner we went dancing and I continued the conversation this way. She bought the drinks and even went and got them, ! way cool, interest level increase.
Then we danced, talked some more, by this time she is touching my arm and she compliments me on how nice I look "Thank you" and I did not return the compliment. Instead I complimented her by my actions, concentrating on every word she says and telling her with my actions that I respect her. Usually by this time I have told her how gorgeous she looks 4 or five times. I was holding back because she looked pretty damn good, my physical interest level, 90 percent. Plus she is smart. More dancing and by 10:30 she is holding onto me and rubbing my leg between dances. A little later when we are slow dancing she is rubbing up against my body and holding on tighter, then she kisses me. She made all the moves, all from one minor adjustment to some of my behaviors. She is bright and intelligent, also wise and so far shows me a lot of respect and integrity.
Pretty cool and I think it all has to do with raising her interest level by being a Challenge. Matter of fact she said she felt confused, like she was getting mixed signals, I think I was just keeping her off balance a little bit and trying to guess what was going to come next. (She has 42 days left on probation,) I like putting women on probation, that way I do not give up my power and self control...So from one minor change to my approach and it has lead to greater confidence, increased self control, and I am much more of a challenge. Doc thanks for sharing your experience and mentoring. I will do my best to practice the "System" and help spread the word to our brothers. May we all have peaceful and loving relationships with women, and raise happy families too. Take Care.
The Weatherman
Dear Doc,
I wanted to thank you for all your years of research and sharing it with all us guys. Everything you say is so true and I've always seemed to see so much of what you would say but could never grasp it completely. You are truly God sent for all us guys who keep getting dumped on by women and their Feminist sisters. I went through a very painful brake up, where her interest level slowly lowered and eventually dumped my butt. I beat my self up for the longest time and always felt I let a good one get away. However, after buying your book and CD's, I realized she wasn't so good after all because her attitude wasn't so perfect and I was just blinded by my interest level. Having learned this has helped me finally have the peace of mind I deserve and the closure I needed. Thanks for being the coach I never had growing up. Your book is well worth one hundred times the price. Its paid for itself many times over. Thanks once again coach!! God bless and have a great New Year full of continued success and love.
Your student,
The Kid
Hey Doc! This information is absolute dynamite. This info is so powerful I can't believe it's actually legal.
Dan Fante – Santa Monica, California
I knew that you had a lot more amazing stuff up your sleeve. Thank God you're finally making it available.
Bill Schumann – Auckland, New Zealand
I've listened to your new CD's four times now and I'm on fire with a new kind of confidence with women that I've never ever experienced before. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!"
Joseph Grant – Memphis, Tennesse